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Thingamabob 10x5 Project

In Thingamabob, Bob the inventor receives three random items that he turns into useful devices.


In this project I recevied a random item.  My item was the bottom half of a toy egg.  I needed to make something useful with the egg, so I brainstormed the following ten ideas:


  • Ball & Cups Magic Trick

  • Helmet for a Monkey

  • Spinning Top

  • Mini Coffee Filter

  • Sticky Note Holder

  • Cookie Cutter

  • Decision Maker Ring

  • Handheld Percussion Kit

  • Temporary Hand Stamper

  • Satellite Dish

During class, I tend to write reminders and messages on sticky notes.  Sometimes, I fill one up and need to move to the next one, but have no where to put the first one.  I chose to create a sticky note holder that will hold my sticky notes, so that I can refer to them after class.


I then protoyped the sticky note holder idea using five different sets of protoytping materials: index cards & tape, aluminum foil, clay, Tinkercad, and the actual object with assorted materials.


See photos of each prototype below.  I found that the TInkercad prototype allowed me to model my device the best.  As an extension, I could even try printing that model as a sticky note holder.  My clay prototype made for the worst representation.  I really enjoyed exploring how different  materials could be used to model the same device.  Working through this process with students t made me realize that even though we have a wealth of materials available in our makerspace, most ideas can be prototyped with a few base materials.

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